Static to Nomadic Podcast Streamer

Monday, October 6, 2014

008 Closer

This closing cast just talks about where I'm going next with the channel.  I may come back to the RV life in time, but in terms of an orientation and introduction to RVing and how to do it legally, this wraps it up.

My RV Life playlist

The Manumission Podcast


Monday, September 29, 2014

007 Bills, Budgets and Finding Work

There's always a financial aspect of living in an RV to think of.  Yes, you can totally live on way less, but you still need money to live.  The wonderful thing about the RV life is you can make it is cheap or expensive as you want.

Part 1 of what it's like to work for Amazon as a camper.
Part 2 of what it's like to work for Amazon as a camper. I cover budgets in this one.

Dayton RV Park

Receipts and Stuff

2010 Road Trip

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

006 Internet and Cable

This cast covers what kind of options you have available in a mobile life when it comes to internet and cable.  As I test products and create support videos, I will add them below.

A how to on tethering with an Android phone on Verizon.

Buckeye's Internet before they massively upgraded their entire setup.

Red Zone on Verizon

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

005 Phones

This cast starts to step away from the process of buying an RV and moving into it, and starts to cover the little details like keeping connected to friends and family.  Some ideas to think about with phone service.

Phones and Domicile and Such

The old internet connection at Buckeye... it has since been fixed and bumped up.  An example of what you might run into at other parks.  I also show some of the options you can get in towns that offer WiFi.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

004 Insurance and Downsizing

 I talk briefly about insurance, but spend the majority of this cast talking about how to downsize in various ways.  The back end is focused on video games, so if you aren't a gamer looking to get into the RV life, you should cut out when I start talking about Xbox and Ouya stuff.  While video game consoles are more than video games these days; they're full out media platforms, some people want to keep things simple and that's understandable.

My horrible eBay ad

Talking about downsizing

More on downsizing

Mupen64 for Ubuntu for N64 games

The Ouya.  An Android based gaming micro console.  One of the best things to happen to retro gamers in RVs or tiny houses in the history of ever.

003 Domicile

 Despite what you may think, moving into an RV doesn't automatically mean you're are disappearing off grid.  Unless you want it to.  Obviously, that is your choice.  But, if you want to make your life easier so you can spend more time enjoying your RV life instead of getting frustrated with insurance and postage issues or losing more money than you need to to pay for things you don't use in taxes, you need to be a maybe of a county and state.

What I talk about here is what states are most accommodating to RVers.  And a couple options that help open the doors for you to make the move.

Cell Phones and Domicile and such

My Dakota Address

Insurance and Domicile
The Strategic Relocation guide is absolutely great. There is so much info in it.  You don't have to be evacuating from society to find use in it.  If you own guns for example, it has the laws for each state.  Makes a great reference so you know how to legally reside in a state.